Organisational performance is dependent on people. No mater how you look at it the people (social system) are the root of success. That covers everything from quality and productivity to safety. How people perform is dependent on how the feel; which can be measured. The concept of how people feel at work is a long established one, predating culture, and was developed into a working tool under the watchful eye of ICI in the 1970's and 1980's.
A best form of Climate was found, which is highly dependent on leadership behaviour. This Climate, and behaviour, was named as Blue4. Pandora, and our sister company BakerFish, use this with additional material and refer to as Teal4 for a number of reasons, including incorporating Spiral Dynamics development.
Ed Fish, Pandora's founder, has delivered work about how Climate impacts safety, notably at Hazards34, demonstrating that stopping at human error is not digging deep enough into the root causes of the accident. If you want to understand how you might not be looking deep enough for the source of you safety problems reach out to us.
The work around general leadership excellence has continued after ICI's demise and the data continues to be collected and developed by Pandora/BakerFish's partner Blue4International. With our partnership with Blue4International we can deliver behavioural interventions at any scale. If you have any area you want to improve contact us to see how we can help you make the people part work better.